Thursday, July 15, 2010

Inspiration 1

Of course this isn't a club where we just talk about who is in and who is out of the club; we also plan on being inspirational and informative.

In that vein...

If you're sitting around at work dealing with some asinine problem--perhaps you're an architect bogged down with the math of whether or not a bridge can support the predicted traffic, or a nurse burnt out on taking blood pressure readings, whatever the case may be--take a little pause and reflect upon all the good things that Evelyn Waugh has done for us, and maybe ask, "what would Evelyn Waugh do in such stark times?"

Just think about that, and enjoy this inspirational picture.


  1. you wrote: "In that vain..."

    which is hugely pathetic for someone to write on a site dedicated to such an esteemed scribe of the English language. you are an unworthy dumb a$$.

  2. I'll have to fire my typist.

    As it turns out, you yourself misspelled a word--there are no dollar signs in ass! On top of that you don't appear to know that sentences start with uppercase letters.

    Looks like I won't be able to hire you to replace my typist. Hard to find good help these days.

    Carry on.

  3. people do not have typists anymore. but of course you knew that...

    i chose to write that way, same as Waugh chose to, at times, overuse the semicolon.

    as for the Waugh photo, it is not bad, but with that rather large cigar in his mouth, it tends to make me think of him and his virulent cock sucking youth, so i would prefer some other photo.
